Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning is a Sound Approach to Health and Wellbeing
You know how you can hear when an instrument is out of tune? And if you want it to play beautiful music, you call someone to come tune it? Well in this case, a Biofield Tuning Session tune the instrument, only the instrument is the human body.
I use tuning forks to listen to where the body is out of tune. The body hears when the tuning fork finds “dissonance & out of tune energy” and the body self corrects and tunes itself. The human body is a self tuning instrument.
Biofield Tuning is a unique, non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the bio-magnetic field that surrounds the human body.
A Biofield tuning session helps to tune distortion in your electromagnetic field. Leaving you feeling calm, clear and free of stress. The energy shift in the bio-field allows for shifts and often lasting change in the body and mind.

Biofield Tuning can assist with:
The Effects of Stress • Resolving Pain • Low Energy • Eye Strain • Anxiety •
• Migraines/Headaches • Sleep Issues • Anxiety • Adrenal stress • Digestive Issues •
• Migraines/Headaches • Creativity blocks • Releasing subconscious blocks •
Emotional, physical or psychological “stuckness” •
Biofield Tuning is contraindicated for the following conditions:
Pregnancy • Cancer • Terminal Illness • Pacemaker
Please call or text me at 561-843-4479 to schedule an appointment or email me at
Standard In Person Biofield Tuning Session
Biofield Tuning is a unique therapy that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks to locate areas that are “out of tune” in the bio-field of the body and allows the body to hear it, correct it, and return it to the body to integrate.
As you relax fully clothed on a treatment table, this simple and efficient method can produce profound shifts on the physical, mental and emotional levels, often bringing a sense of lightness, deep relaxation, and balance. You may also experience increased energy and overall vitality.
The intention is to bring the body back to center so we can have a break from the extremes our system often struggles to navigate each day. When we ease tension in the field and body, we allow the nervous system to return to rest and digest and out of fight/flight. Working to create space for more restful sleep and greater calm, vibrancy, and resiliency throughout the day.
Session length: 1 hour (In Person)
Distance Virtual Biofield tuning Session
Both client and practitioner proceed as though the body is on the treatment table and a session is conducted accordingly. Clients who receive distance work express amazement at how much they feel in their bodies, while the work is being done, and how different they feel afterwards.
this simple and efficient method can produce profound shifts on the physical, mental and emotional levels, often bringing a sense of lightness, deep relaxation, and balance. You may also experience increased energy and overall vitality.
Session length: 1 hour + 15 min recap (Virtual/Zoom)
Sonic Meridian Flush
A sonic massage for your energy pathways! In this session we work directly on the body, with tuning forks and sometimes crystals, while a client is fully clothed. We focus on clearing the meridians along the head, face, back, arms, hands, legs, and feet.
This relaxes the muscles and supports detoxification, blood flow, and lymph movement, while helping to release tension patterns within the body. The intention here is to bring forth a deep state of relaxation and calm to the muscles and nervous system, and flush the meridians.
Session length: 90 minutes (In Person)
Adrenal rytham Reset
This session helps to balance the adrenal glands so they can return to a healthy rhythm. Many of us live with our adrenals working overtime in response to modern stressors; this creates static/noise in the field, resulting in a variety of challenges. For those who feel chronically exhausted, like they’re running on empty, have a short fuse, often experience trouble sleeping, or struggle with anxiety, digestive, or hormonal issues, this session can work wonders to restore balanced energy.
Session length: 60 minutes (In Person or Virtual)
Please call or text me at 561-843-4479 to schedule an appointment or email me at
Vibrational Face treatment
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Session length: 45 Minutes (In Person)
Question & Answers About Your Session
Wear comfortable fitted clothing, such as exercise clothes. Please wear comfortable clothes that do not have buttons or zippers. Also, you will need to remove any jewelry during your session.
Please bring socks as the bowls will be placed on your feet. Please refrain from using perfume or cologne prior to your session.
Your Vibrational Sound Therapy Sessions are held at my West Boca Raton, FL Studio, by appointment only.
Private, in-home sessions as well as private sound baths are available, please contact me here for more details.
Great question. You will receive and email from me confirming the time and date of your session. I will also email you an intake form to fill out and send back to me before your session.
If you have any questions or want more information please email me at
Life happens. Please email me 24 hours in advance of the appointment to reschedule. Email me at
You can learn more about all the amazing benefits that Biofield Tuning has to offer at and about the creator Eileen Day McKusick.
Book a Biofield Tuning Appointment
Biofield Tuning is a unique non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks to introduce a coherent resonance to the bio-magnetic field that surrounds the human body. This modality can help release energy while inducing a sense of calm and deep targeted relaxation.
It is a simple, non-invasive, and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes on the physical, mental and emotional levels. Conducted in person or remotely.
I can’t wait to work with you.
Laura Hope London
Biofield Tuning Overview With Eileen Day McKusick